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  • 欧美创新医药包装技术&产品应用交流会

    2019/09/01 - 2019/09/03 苏州 协会
     会议时间:2019-09-02  13:30-17:00




    Gerresheimer Group is a German company focusing on the innovation and manufacture of pharmaceutical packaging products. Gerresheimer Shuangfeng is his subsidiary company in China, with excellent brand influence and industry recognition.

     The "European and American Innovative Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology & Product Application Exchange Meeting" aims at introducing to Chinese audiences the latest new materials, technologies and applications in the field of medical packaging in Europe. We will focus on displaying the innovative technologies and products of Gerresheimer Group in the field of medical glass and plastics, and share its successful experience with Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises to help them develop international pharmaceutical market.

    日程安排:欧美创新医药包装技术&产品应用交流会 日程安排

    专家简介:欧美创新医药包装技术&产品应用交流会 专家简介



    工作日 周一至周五 9:00-17:00
